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Exploring the Convergence of B2B and B2C Marketing

2 MINUTE READ | March 25, 2022

Exploring the Convergence of B2B and B2C Marketing

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Abby Long

Abby manages PMG's editorial & thought leadership program. As a writer, editor, and marketing communications strategist with nearly a decade of experience, Abby's work in showcasing PMG’s unique expertise through POVs, research reports, and thought leadership regularly informs business strategy and media investments for some of the most iconic brands in the world. Named among the AAF Dallas 32 Under 32, her expertise in advertising, media strategy, and consumer trends has been featured in Ad Age, Business Insider, and Digiday.

In a recent article for The Drum, PMG Client Strategy Director Jen Pyron weighs in on the convergence of B2B and B2C marketing strategies. As the lines between work and home blur with more professionals working remotely, digital platforms are playing a larger role in the media mix in parallel, disrupting the status quo of traditional marketing models. Customer expectations are shifting, and with them, the distinction between B2B and B2C marketing appears to be collapsing, with more B2B programs utilizing traditionally B2C-related strategies. Pyron comments on this adjustment, stating that “you [can’t] as a marketer be lazy anymore…you [have] to create demand in a whole new way.” 

Across the panel of experts interviewed by The Drum, the consensus was clear: There’s clear evidence that B2B and B2C marketing are converging, but the two disciplines maintain their own unique demands. On the B2B side, there is a newfound focus on meeting the needs of the individual being marketed to, rather than the organization they’re employed by. 

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Read more about how B2B marketing is changing on The Drum.

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